This year marks 10 years of Davidoff’s incredibly popular Black Band collection, and Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary cigars celebrate the occasion in true Davidoff fashion. When the Davidoff Nicaragua first hit shelves in 2013, it pushed the boundaries of what a Davidoff cigar could be. Unlike the traditionally mellow cigars made with Dominican tobaccos, the Davidoff Nicaragua exhibited Davidoff’s signature elegance and grace with Nicaraguan tobaccos. For the 10th Anniversary, Davidoff is pushing the boundaries yet again. A first for Davidoff, some leaf in the fillers has been aged for 6 months in spent rum barrels. This barrel-aged leaf is then blended with Nicaraguan Esteli, Jalapa, and Condega long fillers that have 45 years of combined aging seamlessly paired with a gorgeous Ecuadorian wrapper. The result is a refined, complex, and rich medium-full bodied smoke brimming with graceful flavors of spices, roasted nuts, oak, leather, coffee, and a toasty sweetness. Available only in a 6x56 Gran Toro size and with only 3,300 boxes being made, these luxury limited-edition gems are a must-have in your humidor. Pick up a box in-store or have your Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary cigars delivered to your door by placing an online order with Casa de Montecristo!
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Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary
Limited Edition Gran Toro