Zino Davidoff, the founder of the famous Davidoff brand, was also a lover of fine wines and his passion for wine is the inspiration behind Davidoff Grand Cru Series cigars. With Davidoff’s talented blenders and top-shelf standards backing them, you can count on the Grand Cru Series to provide you with a luxury smoking experience you will not soon forget.Way back in 1946, Zino Davidoff drew a connection between the arts of making cigars and wine, especially when it comes to blending. Different terroirs and grapes can affect the flavor of a blended wine in much the same way nation of origin and tobacco varietals can shape the flavors of a cigar. By meticulously selecting different varietals and terroirs in much the same way as wine, the highly skilled blenders at Davidoff have come up with something truly special.Like how a Bordeaux wine is blended with three different kinds of grapes, Davidoff Grand Cru Series cigars features three different types of expertly aged Dominican long filler and binder tobaccos. Seamlessly surrounding the Dominican core lies a top-quality and elegant Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that has a vibrant golden-tan shade. Whether you're enjoying a Grand Cru Toro cigar or a Robusto, once lit you can expect an exceptionally complex and flavorful yet smooth and balanced mellow-medium bodied smoke that carries a medley of hazelnut, toasted bread, cream, baking spices, cedar, and touches of cocoa. They also come in 5 popular sizes so you can pick the size that best fits your preferences for your humidor. Offered in boxes of 25 or in more affordable 5-packs, we stock the best Davidoff Grand Cru cigars which you can get in-store or delivered fast by placing your online order with Casa de Montecristo today.